Specialist staff

Specialist staff provide specialist skills and knowledge to support teaching and learning.

Art Technician

Works under the direction of  art teachers to provide technical support and resources for the department. Maintains and develops equipment and resources, ensuring compliance with issues relating to health and safety.


Provides an up-to-date and innovative learning resource for the whole school community including the provision of multi-media services. Promotes the library as a stimulating and  welcoming environment for the school .

Science technician

Works in close liaison with teachers to provide a specialist support service to the Science Department including the organisation of laboratories and science equipment.

Sports coach

Provides sports coaching/ lessons for whole classes and supports the school in attending sporting events outside of school. Organises and run sports activities for all children during lunchtimes and after school.

ICT technician                                     

Supports the promotion and use of ICT in the school. Maintains and develops equipment and ensures compliance with issues relating to health and safety. Assists in the development of the school’s website.