Learning support staff work alongside teachers in the classroom, to help pupils progress with their learning; whilst having due regard to the school’s aims, objectives, policies and national requirements.
Behaviour support assistant
Works in collaboration with class teachers to support the education, welfare and teaching of pupils at risk of exclusion from school.
Classroom practitioner/ higher level teaching assistant (HLTA)
HLTAs are experienced teaching assistants who plan and deliver learning activities under the direction of a teacher. They support the education and welfare of pupils by working with whole classes, smaller groups and individuals, as directed by class teachers.
For information about the process and requirements for gaining HLTA status telephone:01306 320120 or email: hlta@strictlyeducation4s.co.uk
Cover supervisor
Supports the education and welfare of pupils as directed by class teachers. They provide short term cover for absent teaching staff; assist in monitoring and recording the progress of individual pupils; reporting their progress to class teachers.
Early years practitioner
Leads a nursery team provision for children up to the age of three years old, whilst integrating childcare with early learning.
Nursery nurse
Assists in ensuring the provision of high quality care and education for nursery aged children. nursery nurses work alongside other professionals to provide outreach family support.
Teaching assistant (TA)
Supports the education and welfare of pupils as directed by class teachers and/or the SENCO. They provide and monitor interventions for identified students; recording their progress and reporting this to class teachers.
No specific qualifications are required for TA posts as training will be given. Schools will be looking for high standards of written and spoken English and strong maths ability. These will be tested at interview. TA advertisements attract a high number of applications, so you are advised to complete the form carefully, paying particular attention to spelling. Make full reference to your experience of working with children, paid or voluntary.
Click on the link for a list of qualifications that have been approved to put teaching assistants on qualified pay.