Promotion comes rapidly to many of our teachers, and we believe that middle and senior managers also need support if they are to contribute effectively to raising standards. There are a suite of leadership courses available as well as bespoke support for leaders.
Courses include specialist NPQs:
NPQ in Leading Teaching (NPQLT)
NPQ in Leading Teacher Development (NPQLTD)
NPQ in Leading Behaviour and Culture (NPQLBC)
NPQ in Leading Literacy (NPQLL)
Leadership NPQs:
NPQ in Senior Leadership (NPQSL
NPQ in Headship (NPQH)
NPQ in Early Years Leadership (NPEYL)
NPQ in Executive Leadership (NPQEL)
The Maths and English Hubs programmes are Department for Education funded and bring together education professionals in a collaborative national network of Hubs, Each Hub is locally led by an outstanding school or college. The London North East (LNE) Maths Hub and New Vision English Hub are led by Elmhurst Primary School, an outstanding school in the heart of Newham.